Slot Into Place Definition

To kill, to put someone in a grave, which is literally a slot in the ground.

To fall into place definition: If things fall into place, events happen naturally to produce a situation you want. Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. Slot in definition is - to find a place for (someone or something) in a schedule, plan, etc. How to use slot in in a sentence. A pachinko machine resembles a vertical pinball machine but is different from Western pinball in several ways. First, a pachinko machine uses small (11 mm diameter) steel balls, which are rented to the player by the owner (usually a 'pachinko parlor,' featuring many individual games in rows), while pinball games use a larger, captive ball. Slot props allow us to turn slots into reusable templates that can render different content based on input props. This is most useful when you are designing a reusable component that encapsulates data logic while allowing the consuming parent component to customize part of its layout. Synonyms for slot in include accept, accommodate, fit in, schedule, see, squeeze in, add, connect, join and adjoin. Find more similar words at!

'I hate you so much one day I'm going to slot you.'
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slang used in the Britisharmedforces meaning to kill or shoot
Soldier 1: Christ that was bad, that wanker nearly slotted me!
soldier 2: aye, well if i see him again ill slot the bastard for sure.
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a slot is something that everyoneputs there stuff in
Slot Into Place Definition
Rosalie is such a slot everyone puts there junk in her
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'Oh my godKathy is such a slot'
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A slow moving (aka fat) slutty girl who gets drunk and banged by six guys at a party.

Slot Into Place Meaning

'Dude, look at that fat slot over there! She's the one that got banged by six guys last Friday!'
Slot into place definition synonyms

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I stuckMy cock in her slot

Slot Into Place Definition Synonyms

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Dec 15 trending

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  • 2. Ghetto Spread
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  • 1(of an object, especially part of a mechanism) fall smoothly into its allotted position.

    ‘Hearing the mechanism click into place, Alana resolutely threw the key as far from her into the void of her mind as possible.’
    • ‘It clicks into place in an upright position when needed.’
    • ‘If the retaining ring has not been correctly clicked into place, the positional locking cap will not click into place.’
    • ‘And suddenly, with a sickening thud, it clicked into place.’
    • ‘The panel easily connects to its base, and once it clicks into place, the panel is ready to roll.’
    • ‘This is split into two panels; these slot together, click into place and, when removed, are stored in the luggage compartment.’
    • ‘Once you have a nice even spread of paste, proceed by placing the copper cooler into position and pushing down the two pins until you hear them click into place.’
    • ‘The seventh hour of the clock on the wall clicked into place.’
    • ‘She gasped once and passed out when the bones clicked into place.’
    • ‘A male voice roared, followed by the sound of a pistol's barrel clicking into place.’
    1. 1.1Become suddenly clear and understandable.
      ‘everything has clicked into place for the organization’
      • ‘As soon as we saw each other everything clicked into place.’
      • ‘With the acquisition of the controlling stake in the major US satellite group DirecTV, everything was clicking into place.’
      • ‘While everything seems to be clicking into place, there is however, one burning question.’
      • ‘The 35-year-old missed six weeks before returning against Lancashire last week and at once everything seemed to click into place.’
      • ‘I twitched and I felt myself close my eyes for a brief second, everything clicking into place in my head.’
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