Craps Spielen Deutschland

  1. Craps sieht am Anfang verwirrend aus, aber eigentlich ist das Spiel kinderleicht. Es gibt viele Wetten, die man platzieren kann, aber die wichtigste ist die Pass-Linie. Wenn man auf die Pass-Linie.
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  3. Online craps synonyms, Online craps pronunciation, Online craps translation, English dictionary definition of Online craps. A gambling game played with two dice in which a first throw of 7 or 11 wins, a first throw of 2, 3, or 12 loses the bet, and a first throw of any.
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This is my buggy version one of craps. I highly recommend you ignore this game and play version 2 instead.

There are a bunch of craps bonuses out there, but not all of them are created equally. With our years of combined experience dealing with casinos, we have sought out to find the best craps bonuses, and have combined them together into the following table. Fotos ausdrucken. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Great Way To Learn The Game Of Craps

What's the best way to master the game of craps? Practice play for free is your best bet to learn! It is beneficial to all whether a beginner, advanced, low or high roller.

Shake that overwhelming feeling and build the confidence needed to win more often.

Utilize a strategy to up your playing power potential is essential:

We offer plenty of advice, tips, guidelines and variations that are straightforward and easily understood.

Craps Spielen Deutschland Kostenlos

What are the most basic bets?

Hey, that is a good question for the newbie getting their feet wet for the first time!

To start the game:

The shooter (player shooting the dice) must place a bet on the don't pass line. Everyone is then eligible for the same type of bet. The “come out roll” is as the name implies the first roll of any turn.

Anyone can get the knack of this table game by following simple craps for dummies type system. Perhaps you are experienced at a local setting in a land-based casino atmosphere and never played online before. If so, you've arrived exactly where you should be.

Free craps allow you to play until the cows come home without losing a single cent of money. But, come on you already knew this, so what are you waiting for!

Online Craps Bonuses

There are a bunch of craps bonuses out there, but not all of them are created equally. With our years of combined experience dealing with casinos, we have sought out to find the best craps bonuses, and have combined them together into the following table.

RankCasino NameBonus%WagerCashCodeCasino NameBonus info
1 Win A Day Casino🧙 $68 - FREE68LCBN
Win A Day CasinoBonus🧙$68
Wager -
2 21 Casino🧙 £50 -
21 CasinoBonus🧙£50
Wager -
3 Drake Casino $2000 300% 450xB
Drake CasinoBonus $2000
% 300%
Wager 450xB
4 BetChain €200 100% 1000xB&D
BetChainBonus €200
% 100%
Wager 1000xB&D
5 Zet Casino €500 100% 300xB&D
Zet CasinoBonus €500
% 100%
Wager 300xB&D
(redirected from Online craps)
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(krăps)pl.n.(used with a sing. or pl. verb)
1. A gambling game played with two dice in which a first throw of 7 or 11 wins, a first throw of 2, 3, or 12 loses the bet, and a first throw of any other number (a point) must be repeated to win before a 7 is thrown, which loses both the bet and the dice.
2. A losing throw in this game. Also called crap2.
[Louisiana French, game of hazard, from English crabs, lowest throw in hazard, from crab or crab.]

Craps Spielen Deutschland Game

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(kræpsCraps) n (usually functioning as singularDeutschland)
1. (Gambling, except Cards) a gambling game using two dice, in which a player wins the bet if 7 or 11 is thrown first, and loses if 2, 3, or 12 is thrown
2. (Gambling, except Cards) shoot craps to play this game
[C19: probably from crabs lowest throw at dice, plural of crab1]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


n. (usu. with a sing. v.Spielen)
1. a game in which two dice are thrown: a first throw of 7 or 11 wins, a first throw of 2, 3, or 12 loses, and a first throw of any other number can be won by throwing it again without throwing a 7.
[1835–45, Amer.; appar. < French craps, variant of crabs double-ace (lowest throw at hazard) < 18th-century E slang: pl. of crab1]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Noun1.craps - expressions used when when two dice are thrown and both come up showing one spot
2, II, two, deuce - the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one or a numeral representing this number
2.craps - a gambling game played with two dice; a first throw of 7 or 11 wins and a first throw of 2, 3, or 12 loses and a first throw of any other number must be repeated to win before a 7 is thrown, which loses the bet and the dice
gambling game, game of chance - a game that involves gambling
crap game, crap shooting, crapshoot - playing craps
natural - (craps) a first roll of 7 or 11 that immediately wins the stake
plural, plural form - the form of a word that is used to denote more than one
Craps Spielen Deutschland
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


[kræps]NSING (US) (=

Craps Spielen Deutschland Games

game) → dadosmpl
to shoot crapsjugar a los dados

Craps Spielen Deutschland Free

Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


n (US) → Würfelspielnt; to shoot craps
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

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