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THE BEST TIME FOR CALLING US IS BETWEEN 12 O'CLOCK NOON AND 5:00 PM EASTERN TIME AND IN THE EVENING BETWEEN 7:00 PM AND 9:00 PM. (If you are outside the continental U.S. please be mindful of these calling times before dialing us - - Thank you.)
Thought for the day: Be who you are and say what you feel ... because those that matter... don't mind ...and those that mind ...don't matter!
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'Germany's unity my strength-- my strength Germany's power.'
We at Germania International have decided that in this weak economy we should open a special section on our site featuring items that we are able to offer at some rather strong discounts. Some are REAL bargains and should be snapped up! We will, from time to time, recognize that a consigner has offered something that we see as a real good buy for our consumers and we place it there with the hopes that you--collector and dealer--will see that these items are of top quality and condition as are our regularly offered items on the site, but, in some cases, might be much more affordable and invariably a “Great Deal.” To view these items please click here.
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(Section for Very Special Items) Click here!
'New listings' can usually be found at the last two or three pages of each subject catogory that would interest you.
Collectors: Please help us identify some articles we have turned up. What is this?
*Siegfried's Re-creations. This is the only place where reproductions and re-creations will be found. Actually not part of Germania International, LLC
If you prefer, you may call 706.782.1668 and talk personally with us. Please do not call during the wee hours of the morning. THE BEST TIME FOR CALLING US IS BETWEEN 12 O'CLOCK NOON AND 5:00 PM EASTERN TIME AND IN THE EVENING BETWEEN 7:00 PM AND 9:00 PM. (If you are outside the continental U.S. please be mindful of these calling times before dialing us - - Thank you.)If you reach our answering machine please leave a short message with your phone number, and date and time you called. IMPORTANT: Speak slowly and clearly when leaving your phone number. If we cannot understand your phone number, you will not be called back.
All the above-listed items are genuine period historical artifacts.
Because listing separately each new item added to our pages would be exhausting, consider that new items, in general, are added to the last page of any particular category. If you are a regular visitor to our web pages, start at the last page of a category to pick up any new items that might have been added since your last visit.
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Please view the information 'About Our Rings and Silver Insignia.'
'How German Rings and Silver Insignia Were Made .'
'Reproductions Sold on Other Sites .'
Also, see Siegfried's Re-creations This is not part of the above Germania International, LLC offerings.
Siegfried is a totally separate entity.
Making offers on items brought to our attention: “We would rather not.” Click here for explanation.
'Click here to go to Swastika-Bearing Paraphernalia'
Just about every day or two we get people coming to us with articles bearing, in some fashion, a swastika! Some of these articles are German in origin and were actually produced in the Third Reich; however, just because it has this crooked cross does not mean that its from that era, or that it is National Socialist related at all. There were many swastikas used as decoration on American, British, and pre-Hitler German things. It also occurs on many American Indian and East Indian artifacts. Oriental art objects often displayed this revered sun symbol, and it was a luck symbol in Europe and America at the turn of the last century all the way up to the 1930s, but not used after Hitler’s ascension to power. We are offered chess sets, poker chips, watch fobs, stickpins, iron trivets, and many costume-jewelry items. One of the funniest is the gas valve with the swastika on it from the Swastika Stove Company in the U.S. Invariably we are asked what concentration camp this originates from or, in some cases, we are 'told' what concentration camp it has come from along with a story of how their grandfather ‘liberated it’ and brought it back from Dachau! Rings, bracelets, earrings, pocket watches, medallions coins, tokens, clocks and many other articles abound with the swastikas throughout the world that have absolutely nothing to do with Hitler or his German Reich. If you need to know about any of these non-Nazi items we will be glad to share our experience with these, but if, after our identification, you wish to be argumentative about it, then do as MacArthur’s old soldier was to do and slowly fade away! Respectfully submitted, The staff at Germania
'Here's freedom to him who would speak. Here's freedom to him who would write. For there's none ever feared, that the truth should be heard, than he whom the truth would indict.' Robert Burns
We are interested in purchasing Third Reich Relics, Third Reich Memorabilia, Adolph Hitler Memorabilia, Nazi Relics, and other articles similar to what you will see within our pages. We also voice an interest in other German memorabilia from the eras of the Kaiser Wilhelm, the Kaiser Reich, the First Reich, etc. We also entertain trades on customers' goods, but not always limited to these Germanic subjects. What have you?
Important: When making inquires about any of our items please include only the item designator that's in parentheses. For example: SS 16-1. Also, give us the name of the item such as, in this example, SS Identity Card.
For items marked POR, please call us. Telephone calls on POR items will, to some extent, sort out the mildly interested inquiries, and we can only make the time to talk to seriously interested investors on some of the particular items. Please, when calling do observe our suggestions for the best times to call. DO NOTunder any circumstances call in the wee hours of morning.
We had a problem with our host server. Some images were lost, but we are slowly, but surely, bringing them back on line. If you come across an item that has no image, please email us for any information on that item. Thank you.
'Our Business Policy'
Please take note that the rare and historically important items we offer on this site are presented for their collector value only! They are bona fide artifacts of historic eras. They are not offered as items meant to instill hatred or bigotry in use or implication. Germania International and its staff are providers of worthy collectibles for museums and advanced collectors. Some of the items provided for acquisition are from turbulent times in world history. We are not interested in dealing with persons or organizations with radical agendas (skinheads, leftists, neo-Nazis, etc.). We welcome the inquiries and business of genuine collectors, archivists, and historians. If you have intentions of purchasing our items for purposes other than what's stated herein, we do not solicit your patronage. Sincerely, The staff of Germania International, LLC
To whom it may concern: Germania International, LLC, is a Limited Liability Corporation and is owned, operated. and managed solely by that L.L.C. Corp. The site is wholly the responsibility of this corporation and all written material and images within are to be considered the exclusive property of Germania International, LLC L.L.C. All editorials opinions are exclusively that of this Corporation We have solicited access to the historical knowledge of various advisors but employ none of them as writers, photographers or employees as such if any of the content or opinions would tend to offend any persons or organizations public or private this was not Germania’s purpose or intention Germania International, LLC L.L.C. isessentially a sales site dealing with historical objects however if conflicting opinions surface in this world of wide diversity the reader should realize that freedom of expression especially in this America that we love is for now at least sacrosanct. Our sacred first amendment written and introduced by our founding fathers is a code I believe in wholeheartedly and would ever defend. Therefore I hasten to state and admit that all historical opinions are not necessary my own altogether and I am often guided by much greater minds than my own. I am not necessarily a historical revisionist nor an armchair general but as I have said before in numerous narratives 'The History of any war is invariably written by the victors as they put to pen their conduct and methods used to bring about that 'Glorious victory' but unfortunately they also write the history of the defeated people and nation as well and we can't always take their word for all of what they perceive to be what the former enemy's agenda's and tactics to have been. My perceptions will in some cases amaze, rankle, and disturb some readers; for this I do apologize but I come from a long line of ancestors who like William Wallace of Scottish warrior fame believed in freedom of speech and opinion and I will go on stating such opinions as long as the breath of life attends my inner soul. All opinions are mine and mine alone regardless of any input derived from others. Germania Intl. is not a forum by any means so we are not interested in debate as such. You also are entitled to your opinions so I suggest that if you differ with me than you should also form a web site where you may re-write WW II and other conflicts in your own perspectives. Who knows - - perhaps with a bit of luck you may just win or hopefully at least feel like you have won or better yet put an end to that horrible plague of mankind known as WAR!
'Our Policy'
Germania International, LLC does not attempt to analyze, explain, justify, endorse, or condemn any aspect of the Third Reich. Some say it’s evil; some call it militarism in print, and others love it, or at least they love its grandeur. Most people have difficulty being neutral on the subject of the NS regime, but regardless of their point of view, almost anyone who has objectively examined this site will admit that we adamantly strive to preserve history in the offering of these rare objects of the 20th century. The German Third Reich era was a dramatic time with color, excitement, martial flash, and a powerful agenda. The negatives have been visited in thousands of books and papers. We feel that there is always room (even a little room) to accentuate the positive no matter what the general feeling might be. It is prudent to remember that the general rule is that the winners write their history and they write the history of the losers, as well. We let the chips fall where they may and try to never lose sight of the fact that we are merchants of history. Being historians as well we hope complements our narratives. If we lean one way or another that might momentarily offend the reader we do not necessarily apologize for our position, but we might sympathize with your position and in that vein we have always observed that in history’s recounting there are usually several aspects or sides to every story. If we bring out a not-often-discussed matter or a theory that differs from yours that is merely human nature and the manifestation of intelligent diversity. Among our staff we have leftists, liberals, conservatives, and a populist rightist who is “right of Attila the Hun” although we feel that we should have an exciting forum as a result of all this meaningful expression. We have opted to just do what we do best and that is to continue with our worldwide search for the best of historically important treasures of the past and to offer you the finest selection of these articles ever to be offered on the worldwide web. If we lean toward pontificating on a subject at length, it’s only the history buff coming out of us. Regardless of our sometimes objectionable opinions expressed, the presentation and offering of the items is our main objective. Respectively submitted, Der Germania Kampfgruppe
'Appraising Your Items and Relics '
Yes, we do appraisals and evaluations for folks who have items that they have in their collections or perhaps it might be an item that a friend or relative brought home from the war. We do this very professionally as historians and relics handlers with many years of experience with these types of collectables. You can see a sample of the official stationary that your appraisal will be printed on (enclosed). We are really not limited to those subject listed. Members of our staff have a vast and wide knowledge of militaria in general to include such items from many eras and nations’ histories to even include ancient Rome and Egypt. The American Indians to the Civil War in the U.S. are included in the knowledge of staff members here at Germania. So, if we can help you in your quest for particular facts about your item we will gladly do it as a service to the public. However, as willing as we are to identify items, Evaluation and Appraisal are a separate issue. Part of our service is indeed doing evaluations, but as soon as one asks the familiar “what’s it worth?” or “what is the value?” you are then in a different classification. Now you will be advised that this information is classified as “Germania services” for hire! In explanation we say to you that this aspect is an integral part of how we conduct business. Appraisals are billed according to the importance and the number of items to be listed and priced. Usually the person seeking the knowledge and valuation sends us a list or description with pictures and we give them an idea of what it will cost to do our official appraisal. These evaluations are good for insurance use or perhaps just to keep for posterity. They are also useful for the possibilities of future sales, as well. If your item is authentic this will be confirmed, as well. But, if not, please do not be offended and if we do not please you in our opinion, there are other similar sites where you may get a varying opinion or completely different opinion. See our explanation of “Problems of Evaluations and Identification of Items” below. So basically we are announcing that for appraisals, there is definitely a price (a fair price).
About Military Forums Germania's official opinion on liars, slanderers, arrogant fools, and malcontents with a few level-headed good guys here and there, as well.
For Comparison: Above is an image of the music and faces of a “lost past.” In comparison, click here to view an image of the faces of the present and future as personified by these four heroes of the present “very lost” generation. For this? we--the allies--fought and killed a whole generation of young Germans back then so that this hideous subculture might grow and prosper. Did we of the democracies do right?
To place an order OTHER than by using PayPal, or ask for any additional information you may need, you can contact us via email by clicking on the underlined text on the line below.
To place an order OTHER than by using PayPal, or ask for any additional information you may need, you can contact us via email by clicking on the underlined text on the line below.
If you prefer, you may call 706.782.1668 and talk personally with us. PLEASE DO NOT CALL DURING THE WEE HOURS OF THE MORNING. THE BEST TIME FOR CALLING US IS BETWEEN 12 O'CLOCK NOON AND 5:00 PM EASTERN TIME AND IN THE EVENING BETWEEN 7:00 PM AND 9:00 PM. (If you are outside the continental U.S. please be mindful of these calling times before dialing us - - Thank you.)
Specializing in German Military and Historical Collectibles
Germania International is a treasure trove of Teutonic offerings from ancient to modern times. We offer military, political, and cultural collectibles usually with a German origin. We travel far and wide to distant parts of the former German Reich gathering the best and often singularly extraordinary, historically significant relics that is possible to acquire today. No other web site can match the quality or importance of the bulk of our accumulations.
We also stand alone when it comes to researching and providing accurate and fascinating provenances on many of our most significant items. We are accomplished historians in German history and have contacts with many other 'Germanaphiles' the world over. We can make available almost anything in this particular field, given a reasonable time to search, produce, and present. Due to our hundreds of contacts, your collecting dreams can usually be our cue of command. Try Us! Nothing deters us from our dedication to this promise.
In the words of Bismarck, The Iron Chancellor, 'Wir Deutschen fuerchten Gott und sonst nichts auf der Welt ' (We Germans fear God and nothing else in the world).
It is with that paramount purpose and agenda in mind that we set out on this mission to respectively provide only the optimum collectibles that may not be obtained anywhere.
To place an order or ask for any additional information you may need, you can contact us via email.
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'In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.' George Orwell
'The men who the public approve most extravagently are the most daring liars. The men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.' H.L. Mencken
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To place an order or ask for any additional information you may need, you can contact us via email
If you are paying by PayPal, please allow us to send you a PayPal invoice. Please, no unsolicited PayPals.
If you prefer, contact Germania International, LLC at PO Box 68, Lakemont, GA 30552, United States of America or call at 706.782.1668. Please! do not call during the wee hours of the morning. THE BEST TIME FOR CALLING US IS BETWEEN 12 O'CLOCK NOON AND 5:00 PM EASTERN TIME AND IN THE EVENING BETWEEN 7:00 PM AND 9:00 PM. (If you are outside the continental U.S. please be mindful of these calling times before dialing us - - Thank you.)
The articles offered on this site are in accordance with the laws and regulations of the United States of America and in accordance with the First Amendment of the Constitution. These articles are offered to collectors, researchers, and museums for research and collector interest: in other words, legitimate purposes. We do not sell or mail items to persons who are located in countries where such items are forbidden by law. We will never market our items of historical importance to be used for any political purpose or purposes of indoctrination.
Welcome to Germania International, LLC: the website for the 'Germanophile.' We have the finest offerings ever assembled of various Teutonic relics from Germany’s history and Saga. We have exclusively the best of Third Reich Memorabilia and Nazi relics, items of the Wehrmacht, German Army, Luftwaffe , German Air Force, SA Storm troopers, SS, Waffen SS, SS Ahnenerbe, Hitler Youth, NSDAP, Nazi Party, and many other German relics. We feature material dealing with Zeppelins, Nazi Swords and Nazi Daggers, German Flags, German hunting items, Axis items, Nazi Art, Third Reich art, 1936 Olympic items, etc. We also feature items having belonged to or concerning WW II personalities such as Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun, Hermann Goring or Goering, Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, etc. Our pages abound with German daggers, German rings, SS rings, Nazi rings, Nazi jewelry, Nazi medals, German medals, German swords, German uniforms, Nazi uniforms, and much more! Featured also besides our large German rings, SS rings, Nazi rings, Nazi jewelry inventory are items of WW I (World War One), and Imperial Germany, the Kaiser, and here are beer steins, Pickelhauben, spike helmets, German art, German weapons, German standards, etc. Our selection of Imperial German items, is the best to be found for historic significance. We also have Imperial Russian items from the Tsar period, French military items, and items from the axis powers of World War Two. We have an almost never seen selection of old German mythological items such as the Thor Hammer of various types produced in Nazi Germany. See also our various German posters. Our offerings really have no serious competition for historic significance, originality, and in-depth historical explanation and pictorial content. We are not by any means simply a sales site. We are dedicated to bringing to the collector the finest, the most rare, and the BEST that history and Germania have to offer.
Also, view Siegfried's Re-creations This is not part of the above Germania offerings.