The Gambling Man Catherine Cookson Plot

  1. Catherine Cookson's The Gambling Man ★★½ The Gambling Man 1998 Rent collector Rory O'Connor is ambitious to escape his humble past and his talent at gambling leads him to winning a fortune. But a lie and a tragedy return to haunt him. Based on a book by Catherine Cookson. 150m/C VHS, DVD.
  2. Nineteenth-century period drama. A rent collector in South Shields, dissatisfied with his life, decides to use his talents as a card player to improve his situation. His gambling skills enable him to purchase a boatyard and marry his childhood sweetheart. But beneath his success is a tangled web of lies and deceit.

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'Catherine Cookson's The Gambling Man.' VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever. . 17 Oct. 2020 <>.

The Gambling Man Catherine Cookson PlotThe Gambling Man Catherine Cookson Plot

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Prosecontemporary Catherine Cookson The Gambling Man. Rory Connor was a gambling man and he had a gambler’s luck. From the day he was born, his mother had known that Rory would be the one to make something of his life. At seven years old he was earning money from odd jobs and by fourteen, he was in full-time work.

'Catherine Cookson's The Gambling Man.' VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever. . (October 17, 2020).

'Catherine Cookson's The Gambling Man.' VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever. . Retrieved October 17, 2020 from

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